Schools for Africa
$ 5 can provide ten children with a pencil and exercise book
$ 10 can provide a learner kit for 1 student in Mozambique and Mali, which contains a bag, stationery, mini atlas and math tables $ 60 can provide a School-in-bag with individual school supplies for 40 students and 1 teacher $100 can provide 100 children with a sketch pad and crayons $250 can provide a School-in-a-Box |
Learn how your chapter can help provide a better education for students in Africa.
Chapters that collect money throughout the school year for "Schools for Africa" should send a check directly to:
U.S. Fund for UNICEF Attn: NGO Dept. 125 Maiden Lane New York, NY 10038. Amount donated should be reported to our EEC contact person. Lori Richardson-Morphew 1st Vice President, EEC Chair ![]()
Updated: September 2019