If you have a member that you would like to highlight, send information with a picture to Belinda Clift, webmaster, as well as to Beth Schieber,
The Limelighter Editor.
The Limelighter Editor.
- - Name of person(s)
- - Accomplishment
- - Brief summary
Beta Beta
Elaine Regier: An Adventure of a Lifetime Spring of 2023 brought an opportunity I couldn't pass up! I was invited to join the nuns in the Order of Lyric Theatre! Of course, this invitation came after an audition for the Nun Chorus in Lyric's production of The Sound of Music. The fun began in May with a nun fitting, rehearsals and a photo shoot at St. Francis Parish. We learned how to be a nun and to sing in Latin. In addition, we experienced life backstage at the Civic Center. With downtime during rehearsals and performances, the nuns had fun with Uno, reading, creating silly videos and getting to know each other. I was known as the Flying Nun! One nun created a private Facebook group, and we keep in touch. There were more than 60 nuns in the chorus! Most of us were seen in the theatre on House Left or House Right and had three big scenes - the opening, the wedding, and the finale. A few sisters were in the box seat areas closest to the stage. It was so much fun to interact with some of the other cast members, including the star of the show, Anette Barios-Torres as Maria. These people were kind to us and truly appreciated our role and presence. The director wanted to show how the nuns became part of the resistance by the show's end. This was clear during the finale as we sang "Climb Every Mountain," and the Nazi flags were ripped from the walls. What made it even more meaningful was that the sisters who removed the flags were Jewish! The songs still go through my mind, and my sisters became new friends! Who knows? Maybe we will share the stage again some-day! |
Lambda Chapter
Saturday morning, September 9, Dr. Jo Ann Pierce visited Lambda Chapter in Weatherford, OK with a breakfast at Lucilles. It was such a treat since she went to undergraduate school at SWOSU. The members and JonAnn had a lot of common memories and she met Dr. Joe Anna Hibler, SWOSU former president and OSO DKG former president. Also on hand was Dr. Diana Lovell, the SWOSU current president who updated us on SWOSU! Dr.Lovell stayed for the program and then encouraged Lamda to help start a new Millenials/Gen Z Chapter on the SWOSU campus. The door has been opened, now we just need 12 young women to start that new chapter! Thank you Alexia White for a wonderful meeting. Thank you Lambda members...Everything Is Coming Up Roses in your area! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Delta Chapter
Susie Hinton walked into the Delta meeting at Newkirk, Oklahoma library Sunday afternoon Sept. 10 with a big smile. She had made a rose headband for every member and me to celebrate, "Everything Is Coming Up Roses." Delta's meeting was delightful with President Dacia Hudelson masterfully leading and Jo Ann enjoying the wonderful refreshment table. This chapter would love to have new members so let the excellent educators in Ponca City, Newkirk, and surrounding schools know that they are having a cook-out soon (just for fun). Thank you for a fun afternoon! Delta's year looks to be a great one! Susie Hinton walked into the Delta meeting at Newkirk, Oklahoma library Sunday afternoon Sept. 10 with a big smile. She had made a rose headband for every member and me to celebrate, "Everything Is Coming Up Roses." Delta's meeting was delightful with President Dacia Hudelson masterfully leading and Jo Ann enjoying the wonderful refreshment table. This chapter would love to have new members so let the excellent educators in Ponca City, Newkirk, and surrounding schools know that they are having a cook-out soon (just for fun). Thank you for a fun afternoon! Delta's year looks to be a great one! |
Dr. Barbara McClanahan, Beta Kappa
Congratulations! Your Article "Transforming Teacher Education with Digital Technology: An Informative Journey" will be included in the 2017, Volume 83-5 issue of the The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: Journal. Posted August 5, 2017 |
Eileen Richardson, Alpha Pi
Congratulations! Your Article "Graphic Novels Are Real Books: Comparing Graphic Novels to Traditional Text Novels" will be included in the 2017, Volume 83-5 issue of the The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: Journal. Posted August 5, 2017 |
We look forward to reading these publications in The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: Journal.
Updated: Sept 2023