Is your chapter interested in creating a website?
Don't miss out on this opportunity to keep your chapter members connected at the chapter, state, and International Level.
Contact webmaster, Belinda Clift, for information or assistance in building a website.
Chapter websites must be certified with The Delta Kappa Gamma International site in order to be linked to the Oklahoma State Organization Website.
Visit the International Website to download the Certification /Re-Certification Request - Form 72
Don't miss out on this opportunity to keep your chapter members connected at the chapter, state, and International Level.
Contact webmaster, Belinda Clift, for information or assistance in building a website.
Chapter websites must be certified with The Delta Kappa Gamma International site in order to be linked to the Oklahoma State Organization Website.
Visit the International Website to download the Certification /Re-Certification Request - Form 72
Webmasters: You will need to resubmit for compliance and receive your seal for the 2022-2024 Biennium.
If creating a webpage for the first time, review the Resources on the Webpage Creation Page. |
Oklahoma State Organization Webpage Permission Form
Oklahoma State Organization highlights chapter, state, regional, and International conference/convention pictures on the state webpage. By submitting this form, you are giving Oklahona State Organization permission to publish your picture on the state website as we continue to highlight the wonderful meetings and activities of the Society. At anytime you wish to remove your name from the list, email the webmaster at [email protected]
Updated: January 2023